Friday, June 12, 2015

With Today’s Advanced Orbital Welding Equipment You Get Ironclad Performance!

The term “ironclad performance” has its origins in history, but is still relevant in today’s workplace and with similar meaning to the source.

There was a day when countries defended themselves with magnificent wooden warships, tall-masted and bristling with cannons. Impressive projections of political power on the high seas, these ships succumbed to technology when it occurred to nautical visionaries that smaller, more maneuverable ships clad in iron plates might be less susceptible to fire (and much more difficult to sink).

Friday, June 5, 2015

Utilizing “Off-the-Shelf” Parts Saves You Time and Money

Have you ever had the experience of trying to fix a device that should be easy to do, only to find out that the product you bought uses “special” components? The problem is made worse in that there seems to be no reason that your product manufacturer chose not to use the same part that nearly everyone else uses.